The legacy of hate and mistrust

How many times in the future i am going to hear all this bullshit . The words make me overwhelmed with nausea . I don’t know how people are wired to hate “others” who don’t worship the same gods or speak the same language, or have the same orientation in bed . Education as i see in India has nothing to do in this nation rather than fetching money and life .We all cannot be the same with the same “Modi” mask,it will so boringΒ  if it is so . Honestly it baffles me when i see well educated people speaking of “Muslims” should be thrown out of the nation , or those who glorify Modi for his masterful orchestra of the Gujarat pogrom .

Hoping that BJP is miserably defeated this time around πŸ™‚ .

How Ignorant :@

This post was a long overdue.The nirvana happened a long time back only the time to sit down and post it took time . Say i have a PC that has a ip address and i do a ssh to it . From there i ping a machine what will be the source ip address .I was ignorant to the core that i have not given a thought to that .God the machine may have multiple interfaces and linux selects the source IP based on if it knows there is a interface with the same IP .Take for example this particular case if the machine has an IP then the Linux machine selects it as the source IP . Its a hop-by-hop case on which the source IP of a packet.What the hell i read the routing tables and stuff for those years .Why was i not able to correlate this basic fact .Let alone correllate not even a thought to the source IP.May be one excuse is i didnt work in machines having so many interfaces or complicated routing tables with VLAN as i do now .May be i should have used ping -R option .

Pythonic syntax

Pythonic syntax is a syntax that uses the most efficient idioms for the small code patterns

There is always a better way to program while using python.I have been using python for some time now.The big mistake people do while starting with python is that thinking it a s a java alternative.As predominantly introduced to java or C++ earlier in life people use the same paradigm of programming while coding in python.This makes python code look ugly , run slower unthinkably large and very very slow.

List Comprehensions
List comprehensions are compact way to build a list in python.consider a program to generate all even numbers within say 10.The usual way of doin things is:
>>>while i>>evens
But this style of coding in python does not harness the immense power the language offers.Consider how to do this with List comprehension:
>>>evens=[i for i in range(10) if i%2==0]

Iterators and Generators:
All looping in python is in turn implemented using the iterator protocol in python.An iterator class contains two methods namely:

next():The next method returns the next value in the class and on reaching the last value raises StopIteration Exception.

__iter__():This method just returns the iterator itself.

They are created with iter builtin function by the following way.

Python generators:
To say simply a generator is method that has a yield statement.Rather than returning a single value(say the lines of a file )we generate a series of values using yield statement.

def countdown(n):
while n > 0:
yield n
n -= 1
>>> for i in countdown(5):
… print i,

5 4 3 2 1

So creating an instance of countdown(remember functions are first class objects) will only create a generator object not execute the method.

Counting down from n 10
Generators in real time can be constructed fairly simply by the following way:
>>>capital=(n.capitalize() for n in name)

This can be used to read very large files or fetch database records with fairly simpler and more beautifull syntax and is less memory intensive.

Margo Margo Marugayi

The heart deceives you into nostalgia when your mind is idle . And when a kid of four years age has been singing this song (Marugo Marugo) all day long I decided a take up a time travel.Nostalgia is a walking stick it gives a pleasant feeling.An year and half ago we had Plaisir and this song fetched us first prize in group song.I didnt have gracious hearts to record our singing 😦 so i dont have a recording of it.It was Alagammai’s suggestion to me she messaged me a day or two before the contest asking me to sing.I was pretty unsure coz the girls meant to siing with me and Mallu(dont mistake one another guy only ) were good singers.On the day of the contest i had a severe throat pain and asked them to sing some other song so that i dont spoil the party.Yet the people Charanya,Jaya and krithika thought i was singing ok but i was having severe pain then.I still remember Jaya giving me halls and all to keep me going.So we managed to sing and i heard it was very good and we got first prize too.Charanya got us the BGM and that made the song more engrossing.The stupid soul which suggested me to sing was not there while i was singing neither did anyone record it for the future generations πŸ˜‰ .

Footnote:Like why in the hell i remembered it.There is a kid here in bangalore one of my relatives daughter.Seems she recently heard the song and has been singing all along that too with her tender and childish voice πŸ™‚ .

Abhiyum naanum

Hmmm this emotional movie reminded me of the golden words of Khalil Gibran.Let the words of the prophet add some flair to this blog .,

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let our bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

The Crisis of Capitalism

Capitalism dwells upon the maximisation of profits.The capitalist class invests on commodity production and earns profit by attaining the hidden value in the commodity when the commodity is sold in the market.Thus the profits of the commodity is the unpaid labour .Labour is like any other commdity and is sold by the worker to the capitalist to earn livelihood.The worker adds value to the product which the capitalist realises while he sells it in the market.Thus the unpaid labour is the profit that is again capital.As capitalism matures and there is a saturation of available markets and competition grows there is a squeeze in the profits of the capitalist class.

To ensure the sustainability of profits the bourgeois tries to reduce the wages as much as possible . But this in turn affects his own market.Thus with growing technology automation we see more and more people being thrown out of work or else in a more optimistic way the wages are slashed.
Thus the bourgeois digs the grave for the system to collapse.As the cost of labor nears zero and chronic over production results in a lot of goods and very few people to consume.This results in the wastage of productive capital and resources.Thus the profitability of investment in the production of commodities reduce.

Enter Speculative Capital:
Speculative capital is like a casino where people gamble for profits.Unlike productive capital this does not create any value add.It just magically creates profits out of money.The growing financial liberalisation has facilitated the free flow of capital across borders.This picks up soft investment targets like the real estate and creates an artificial bubble that is bound to burst. It controls nation governments and economies.It achieves its goals by policy prescriptions to the governments through IMF and world Bank.Usual policy suggestions are:

->Anti inflationary policies
->Destroy social security and Unions
->Privitisation of public Utilities.

Thus speculative capital just makes investments and builds up artificial bubbles which one day is bound to crash like the one that happened in the US.
The amount of speculative capital flowing around the globe is thrice the size of the actual economy .

Now its the final stages of capitalism where productive investment is not producing any value add and profits of commodity are not getting realised . The markets dont have a mechanism to sell all that is produced . Imperialism earlier and the present day globalisation are just efforts to achieve the same.But there are limits to the every expanding appetite for profits of the capitalistic class. The system is in deep crisis .

Prosecute Modi and the VHP for all the trouble

I can still remember the day when my 60 year old grandpa who i looked upon as the left over of Gandhian life.I haven’t seen him loosing him temper nor speaking angrily even in outrageous situations or unthinkably stupid arguments.On the eventful day Gujarat was burning,a preplanned massacre was perpetuated across innocent people whose only sin was to be a Muslim . The story that a pregnant woman was killed and her womb cut off and thrown into dustbin was the tipping point.He was visibly disturbed and as i came out of my bed tears rolled upon his eyes . He showed me the newspaper and i had no words to say . Then in an unusual explosion of sentiments he said to me ” If i had been in Gujarat i would be a terrorist”.I was doudtfull whether the entire episode was a dream.He was angry of being so helpless a feeling of anguish swept across everyone.Felt a lot ashamed to have been an Indian.

News came of huge women involvement in the riots.Muslim People were socially and economically boyccoted the perpetrators of the heinous crime had list of names to kill . I was feeling blood in my hands the amount of social polarisation that was visible in Gujarat was similar to the ghettoisation of Palestine.

The proximity of relations with the US has virtually collapsed the belief of the Minority in the nation. BJP swept back to power in Gujarat riding on the Hindutva wave.Genocide anywhere be it in Gujarat or in Palestine or in Iraq or in Srilanka is condemable.The parties like DMK which conduct hunger strike against tamil genocide in Srilanka where silent during the Gujarat riots .

The recent terror attacks show a lot of upper middle class Indians getting involved . Gujarat riots has forced educated Muslims in the hands of terror organisations like LET and AlQaeda . Most of the accused in serial blasts after the Gujarat riots are well employed and educated youth.

If these people are terrorists what can we call those who killed and raped innocent women , who burnt houses in the name of Hindutva. Narendra Modi and his group of Goons should be prosecuted for genocide in International court of justice.I request to all those who feel alienated by the Gujarat riots to have trust in this Nation.

Globalaisation and the onslaught of Speculative capital

A famous development economist once quoted this regarding globalization :

“The Poor complain and they always do and that is just an empty Chatter ! Our System brings rewards to all , atleast to all those who matter .”

What is Globalisation? Its just a modality of International Integration . Its great to meet with people from other nations and various cultures.But whats the official version of Globalisation the one we continously hear to in the media as the panacea for development , poverty etc . This form of globalisation involves basically opening up our borders to imports from developed nations. This is not new, just the terminology and packaging differs . Thus the onslaught of Agriculture products from US-Canadian Agri-business virtually wipes out the rural agriculture industry. As markets tends to control cropping patterns the farmers depend more and more on Multi national Agri business companies for subsistence.The local food produced cannot compete with the imported food products and the peasants just start producing for exports or they become “Rational Peasants”.The process involves governments cutting subsidies to farmer this defines the anathema of a nation with 40 million hungry stomachs dumping its own produce in the global market for throwaway prices.

With globalisation also comes the whirlpool of speculative capital that invests in property and other commodity markets for short term profits which eventually leads to the development of a bubble.
According John Maynard Keynes this leads to the “enterprise becoming a whirlpool of speculation” .The financial capital advocates the selling of public enterprises and the complete withdrawal of government from any kind of business.The government just needs to facilitate investment . This speculative capital leads to a bubble that fuels an artificial demand and the the owners of capital makes huge profits.This does not involve any increase in productivity of any sorts . If the government performs any action sabotaging the interest of the financial system then the money is all together removed from the system.Demand in modern capitalistic system is artificial, mostly triggered by bubbles like the Dot-com bubble or the more recent housing bubble.In India too the credit card system involving a lot of sub-prime lending is triggering the consumption.

In the late 70s as inflation increased and productivity decreased due to various reasons . The international capital was not getting returns in traditional investment avenues like the banking system.Thus the demand for deregulation of financial markets was echoed in various sectors.Thus financial instruments and derivatives like Hedge funds became the new investment vehicles . The whirlpool of capital was seeing for soft targets to get short term profits . Thus they invest in various sectors like commodities real estate etc. As more and more money gets invested the price is artificially build up.The local government has no say in controlling the flow of capital across the borders thus making the local currency shoot up.If the government takes any steps to arrest this they will be awarded with the flight of capital resulting in the collapse of the bubble.

Thus the belief that globalisation is the way in which the rich countries are transferring wealth to poor countries is just a myth.Although in case of India it has benefited a small section of the nation it has increased economic inequalities manifold.

  • For instance the percentage of agriculture growth in the overall growth has gone down.
  • The percapita food consumption among rural poor has gone down drastically with more and more people suffering from malnutrition
  • The sad story today is its better to be a poor in Palestine rather than to be a poor in India
  • Regarding the GDP growth its mainly dependent on service sector which may represent a over hyped growth.

There is also this argument that India was miserable before the opening up of the economy people should not forget one thing todays IT growth owes its success to the public funding we did in education.The IITs-IIMs were necessarily started with government spending after attaining independence. Even the United states was a closed economy for more than 150 years after attaining its independence.

The current economic crisis questions the infallibility of the markets and the need to ensure checks on the flow of speculative capital into a nation like India.

A decade of disaster Good Bye Bush !

As America goes to polls it marks the end of the disastrous Bush era . The infamous president greatly loved by our own PrimeMinister gifted the world of all the things like the Iraq War , Afghan War , the economic crisis that s leading to a depression . Let s have fun just check this video satire at its best .

Bird and Fortune on Economic Crisis ( Have Fun πŸ™‚

Bird and Fortune on Iraq War

They are great. And, unfortunately, very true (Errr a Pirate yeah took it from here).

The Conversations in my conscience

We often involve in a lot of conversations within ourself.At times we believe in theories that are contradictory yet we accept both for convenience.I am a staunch believer in leading a simple life yet the astounding levels of purchase i have been doing of late is a point to consider.Continue reading “The Conversations in my conscience”